Saturday, November 14, 2009

Who Nose about a Rose? I was pruning roses for one of the first times ever for me, and I ended up with?


Aren't these rose hips? If they are, I heard they're very healthful.

What can I do with them? Is there a method of processing them so I can make tea? Some are dark brown and dried up,

some are red and some are green. They're almost an inch in diameter, and I don't want to throw them out if they can be put to good use.. thanks for any suggestions!

Who Nose about a Rose? I was pruning roses for one of the first times ever for me, and I ended up with?
after all, a nose by any other name would smell as sweet...

seriously though, I think you are right about those being rose hips, and I think they have a lot of vitamin C in them. As far as consuming them, you would want to be sure that you have not used any pesticides on them, and they are not right down close to the street or driveway where they could have been exposed to a lot of car exhaust.

I checked some of my herbal resources, and here is what I found:

Herbal Remedies from the Wild by Corrine Martin says

"although some of the vitamin content is lost in drying and processing, rose hip tea does provide some nutrition and is a healing aid in colds and influenza"

"rose petals are astringent and can be used in skin preparations to help reduce inflammation and provide some tone"

"Gather petals when the flower is in full bloom and spread to dry on screens or cheesecloth in a location where ventilation is optimal and light is low. To harvest rose hips, wait until the first of fall frosts have turned the hips bright crimson. Gather and process immediately. The larger hips should be halved and the seeds and small hairs removed... Spread one layer thick on cookie sheets, and place on the middle rack of the oven. Set temperature to lowest setting, prop the door open to let the moisture escape, and let dry for several hours. When dried, cool and store."

Probably more than you wanted to know about rose hips, huh? LOL!

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