Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's the best way to get rid of multifloral rose and poison ivy.?

We have some beautiful mountain land but much of it is covered in dense thickets of multifloral rose with lots of poison ivy thrown in for good measure. How can we get rid of it for good.

What's the best way to get rid of multifloral rose and poison ivy.?
Both are very tenacious problems. I'd just start with small pieces at a time, using a brush cutter to take them down to ground level, then hosing the area down with herbicide. They will come back and you will have to keep treating the area. Eventually, you will get the upper hand and can move on to another area. The bad part about poison ivy is that you can't really burn it because the smoke, if inhaled, will result in a little stay in the hospital to clear your lungs from the ensuing infection. Poison ivy also grows through an extensive root system that survives initial onslaughts of herbicide, and is also planted by our feathered friends through the berry seeds.

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